Long ago I was a sailor T-Shirt
Long ago I was a Sailor.
I sailed the Ocean blue.
I knew the bars in Singapore...
The coastline of Peru.
I knew well the sting of salt spray,
The taste of Spanish wine,
The beauty of the Orient...
Yes, all these things were mine.
But I wear a different hat now,
Jeans & T-shirts too.
My sailing days were long ago...
With that life, I am through.
But somewhere deep inside of me...
The sailor lives there still.
He longs to go to sea again,
But knows he never will.
My love, my life, is here at home,
And I will leave here never.
Though mind and body stay ashore...
My heart's at sea forever
(L Hutton)
Gildan 5000T For sizing details, click here.
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