Deep Sea Dreams Merchant Marine Blog
Where it all ends, I can’t fathom my friends....
Where it all ends, I can’t fathom my friends Been thinking a lot lately about my customers, from commercial fishermen and lobstermen to the rivermen towboaters, the near shore operators, the oil patch workers and those who sail the deep blue sea. I'll lay out some thoughts about our men and women to take to the sea, work the rivers and harbors. Down Louisiana ways, these good ole boys have it tough. Throughout the summer shrimping season, I watched many all across the GOM discuss the absolutely awful price they were getting for shrimp. The per pound price was some...
Live a great story, the ocean is calling.

Like Bob Seger’s verse in his song, Against the Wind, “wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t’ know then”, when we take time to reflect on the life we lived, the sea has given us a great story indeed. The experiences we’ve had travelling the world have shaped our thoughts in a way that is unique to the mariner. Like a born-again moment, when we look out to the sea, be it from a ship, pier, or the beach, we are reminded of our past and having lived a great story. As we gaze seaward, these memories, like that...
Autonomous Ships, I mean WTF? This ain’t NASA dude.
Holidays and Sailors
We’ve worked many of holidays at sea and so I am wondering as we have gotten older, do any of you share a similar a perspective of this “special season”? I am tired of being bombarded by the media advising us what this ideal season should be, what we must have, how it will make our lives better, and yeah, the media is even throwing me into a ridiculous daydream of off roading in brand new Land Rover. When there was a holiday at sea, we tried our best to create a light day, we took it easy and yes, for...
Who is this Old Sea Dog?
Who is this old sea dog? I’ve been real fortunate to have so many FB groups allow me to post on their sites. By now, you’ve have seen “from the old sea dog @” along with a shirt design somewhere on the net. Unless you have read the “about us” on my website you would know little about me. So my intent of this blog is to introduce myself to anyone who is interested. First off though, some clarity… no, I am really not an old sea dog, but rather an old marine engineer with a lot of sea...